Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Part 2 Candidate Poster Design

SOURCE: http://rlv.zcache.co.uk/obama_president_poster-r806078a2cd324200a48e655704c1d8a7_aicpo_8byvr_324.jpg
SOURCE: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/db/80/3f/db803f8ce1bd5bbc21c4e687f6c041ad.jpg
SOURCE: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/90/41/dc/9041dca67c988e322d5e872c08b0dd4c.jpg
SOURCE: https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSzg8VmX4Kdk4CkMnjUk3dBP7fplxMgSinQP5t4FOl7QAh7AXPx
SOURCE: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/27/9d/53/279d53a36f4e96ff7387ac0be1d181c9.jpg
SOURCE: http://thumbs2.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m/mZua0-b-GHS_MeFbfkNQNNA.jpg
SOURCE: http://rlv.zcache.com/marco_rubio_2016_for_president_political_campaign_poster-r4b1938ade09f4cdebedcb8a5f6ff79b9_wvt_8byvr_324.jpg
SOURCE: http://www.art-books.com/artbooks/images/items/01-0164.jpg
SOURCE: http://www.starrfmonline.com/kitnes/cache/images/800x/0/1.2592939.jpg

SOURCE: http://www.abc.nl/frontpage/mailings/images/20121030election_poster.jpg

SOURCE: http://www.layoutready.com/images/superviews/GO0020601D-S.jpg
SOURCE: http://cdn.thedailybeast.com/content/dailybeast/galleries/2012/05/25/11-best-u-s-presidential-campaign-posters-of-all-time/jcr:content/gallery/slide/image.img.1280.1024.jpg/1337999265242.cached.jpg
SOURCE: http://www.motherjones.com/files/imagecache/node-gallery-display/photoessays/romney.jpg
SOURCE: http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2008/04/02/opinion/obama-poster190a.jpg

Monday, October 12, 2015

Designer Scott Robertson

Scott Robertson
-Some images of Scott Robertson
SOURCE: http://www.collegeforcreativestudies.edu/files/assets/images/large/1360266156_DRIVE_PS_19.jpg
SOURCE: http://robjensendesign.com/wp-content/uploads/scott-robertson3.png
SOURCE: http://www.carbodydesign.com/media/2012/07/Concept-Car-renderings-by-Scott-Robertson-720x540.jpg
SOURCE: http://www.thegnomonworkshop.com/store/img/products/dvds/SRO06/artistGallery/sro_06.jpg
SOURCE: http://robjensendesign.com/wp-content/uploads/scott-robertson1.jpg
     Scott Robertson was born at Minnesota. While he was growing up, his father taught him how to
draw and design the toys that he liked to play with. As a teenager, they both like to build derby cars and
 they competed with them. Scott went to Oregon State then transfered to a college  in Pasadena called Art Center College of Design. Scott graduted with a B.S. in Transportation Design.

     Scott Robertson's design style looks very different from Bobby Chiu. Most of the pictures I've seen of Chiu are mostly of creatures. The creatures contain a lot of colors and they are in a cartoon form. Daniel Simon who does Cosmic Motors is not that different from Scott Robertson. They both draw and design vehicles that I have never seen before but they are different in a way. Scott Robertson vehicles are mostly offroad in a future look but there are other drawings that are used as prototypes of modern vehicles today. This might be a reason he might be different from the other artist. Simon's vehicles are mostly exotic cars and some are motorcycles. Simon also designs for some big companies like Lotus and Bugatti. 

     Having a clear understanding of design methods makes an artist better because their drawings can stand out more than other artist drawings. The different design methods can help the artisit design whatever they would like. An artist seeing the work of designers can be negative  in multiple ways. Artist would not want to draw any more because of how the designers could draw. I also think that there are more designers in the world then artist. So maybe designers might be taking the jobs of artist.

     Getting better in something always requires practice. Like in all sports, designing and drawing would requirer a lot of practice for the sharpness in a drawing could take place. Bobby Chiu has been perfecting his craft since the age of 17. That was when he got his 1st job at designing Disney, Warner Bros., and Star Wars toys. Daniel Simon has been perfecting his craft for a long time because when he started his career, he was a designer at Volkswagen. From there he has been moving up to better companies. Scott Robertson has been perfecting his craft since after his college graduation.

     Looking at a Photoshop document of a drawing by Scott Robertson was amazing. He has many layers but  that is what makes the picture very realistic. Some layers are just diferent colors. He also has other layers with different designs. The different designs makes the image have a different look depending if you turn on the layer or not.

    There are many artist and designers that focus on multiple things in their drawings. Some drawings are really cool. Its really amazing how designers start of really young and turn out to be some of the best designers in the world. Scott Robertson in my opinion is an amazing designer. So is Daniel Simon. Simon has some amazing drawings of some really cool cars. Another guy named Bobby Chiu is a really good artist. I might look at designing for a future career.

-Here are some other pictures of Scott Robertson
Source: http://www.helderpinto.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/br1_hp_render_back.jpg

Source: http://www.thegnomonworkshop.com/news/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/SR_SYE_3_1200_cargocollective.jpg


Monday, October 5, 2015

Monday Research & Writing Tasks Oct. 5th 2015 (Bobby Chiu)

Bobby Chiu is from Toronto, Canada. He specializes in concept and character design.
Schoolism is like an art class online that has artists from around the world. I think it has been in existence for the past 20 years. Yes it is active on their online course.
Source: http://www.imaginismstudios.com/imagematrix_image/160/711/892
Source: http://www.imaginismstudios.com/imagematrix_image/155/217/308
Source: http://www.imaginismstudios.com/sites/default/files/portfolio-artwork/the_aquatic_wolf_by_bobby_chiu_0.jpg

Source: http://www.imaginismstudios.com/sites/default/files/portfolio-artwork/Weird_Little_Creatures_pt1_by_bobbychiu_0.jpg
Source: http://www.imaginismstudios.com/sites/default/files/portfolio-artwork/Whaleboy_by_bobby_0.jpg